
Welcome to All Bark, No Write. Stephanie Lynn Comello, author, poet. Loves her family and friends, Dogs, her life; she cherishes the mundane little things that most take for granted and is also an avid gamer, lover of movies/TV shows. Music is her zen. She is very eclectic in what she likes. Stephanie loves dragonflies, willow trees, and rainy days. Her favorite time is either when the stars come out in the night or a foggy chilled day. She has been writing since she was seven. The poetry of William Shakespeare was her first love and the reason she started in the first place.


Vidid are the dreams that you coax from my mind…

The Flame of Life

Flicker of the candle You always seem to be with me And when I feel lost I know you are always there for me You have given me the world The times you spent with me Wiping away the tears and pain The solace you gave to me I never thought losing you would be…

Here With Me

Along the night and gentle breeze, my love should be here with meBut you are gone from my sight leaving me lonely And as the day begins to rise and the stars begin to slumberI am gone away from you, leaving my heart left to wander I am the moon when you are the sunAnd…

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May 2024

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